Getting Started with Cobalt Strike

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  • 09 April 2021
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Getting Started with Cobalt Strike

Cobalt Strike is a really popular tool for penetration testers and red teamers giving C2 and many other capabilities.

The pricing is a big factor for many as Cobalt Strike licenses cost $3,500 per user for the first year of license and the license renewals cost $2,585 per user, per year.
If you work for a company with good reputation and have a business email you can request and get a trial from the following link:

Lets get started with Cobalt Strike.

Cobalt Strike Team Server

The server of the Cobalt Strike tool can be used from all team members in order to collaborate all together.

  • Supported Operating Systems from the official website:
  • Kali Linux 2018.4 – AMD64
  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04, 18.04 – x86_64
  • On Amazon’s EC2, use at least a High-CPU Medium (c1.medium, 1.7 GB) instance.

In order to start the Cobalt Strike Team Server you have know the IP of the machine. In my demonstration I will use my internal IP as the requests that we are going to make in the future will only be internal.
If you plan to use Amazon’s EC2 then you public IP should be enough.

My IP is and I plan to communicate with hosts on this subnet


In order to start the team server the following command is required:

./teamserver p@ssword123

Use your own IP (internal or external) and the password that your users plan to use.


The server is ready, now we can connect.

Cobalt Strike Team Client

The command to run cobalt strike is:


You have to change the IP with your own and the password with the one you used when you set up the server. The user is the Username of the user logging in and can be anything.

alter-text alter-text

This is the Cobalt Strike GUI and we are connected to our team server.

Setting up a Listener

A listener is the way the payload (that we will generate later) can communicate from the affected host back to the C2 server.

An easy listener to setup is the HTTP/HTTPS listener.

In order to access the Listeners panel go to Cobalt Strike -> Listeners.


As you can see we don’t have any listeners yet. Click Add in order to create one.


This is a simple HTTPS listener. You can use the server IP or a domain or multiple that is pointing to your C2 server.


Our listener is ready.


Generating payloads

From the Attack -> Packages -> Payload Generator


A simple payload is the one below.


This payload is a simple base 64 encoded payload that we can ran on the target host and get response back to our C2 server.


We can generate multiple payloads with different execution methods.

Getting beacon back

In order to test the payload an get back beacon we can run the command on the target machine.


As you can see we get a response back. Now we can continue with the next actions, setting up persistence and lateral movement.


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